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Save The Soil!!!


Social Life Values Planning Saturday...

 Sadhguru Says:

"The simplest contribution that you can do to all around you is to at least be joyful..."

"If everyone lived by American standards we would need 4 planets, unfortunately we only have half a planet left..."


 My Wealth Guru Wally Saucedo Says:

"Mother Earth would thrive and completely heal herself if we could just get rid of the humans..." 

 See What You Can Do To Save The Soil:


Need Help Optimizing Your Life Experience?

My Wealth Guru Wally Saucedo is the Trusted Professional who Enables People and Organizations to Shape the Future, Combining Insight with Integrity, Wally Saucedo delivers Value by:

  • Communicating the Total Picture with Clarity and Objectivity...
  • Translating Complex Information into Critical Knowledge...
  • Anticipating and Creating Opportunities...
  • Designing Pathways that Transform Vision into Reality...


My Wealth Guru Wally Saucedo CPA Says:

  • "Business & Professional Planning Creates the Wealth..."
  • "Personal Financial Planning Manages the Wealth..."
  • "Life Values Planning Enjoys the Wealth..."


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